Group Photos pre-2012
Jackson group, 2007
Yan An receiving the Richard Eddy service award, Ohio U, 2010
Forensic Chemsitry graduates from Ohio U., June 2009
Halloween, ~2010
Halloween, ~2010
Halloween, ~2009
Forensic Chemistry graduates from Ohio U., June 2005
Glen, Rachael Kyper, Lee Greenawald, Facundo Fernandez and Colleagues from Georgia Tech at the US Science and Engineering Festival in Washington, DC, Oct 2010
Glen with participant at the US Science and Engineering Festival in Washington, DC, Oct 2010
Glen and Rachael Kyper at the US Science and Engineering Festival in Washington, DC, Oct 2010
Forensic Chemistry graduates, Ohio U., June 2006
Carolyn and Zeland's graduation, June 2010
Jackson group, Dec 2009
Yan An wins the Richard Eddy Service award at Ohio U, June 2011
Jackson group, 2015
Jackson group, ~2008
Halloween, ~2009
Halloween, ~2010
1st year on the tenure track at Ohio U., 2005
Uni and Olivier in the Lab, 2005
Emeritus Prof. James Tong with award winners Rachael Kyper and Ashley March, Ohio University, 2010